It is 98% of RHEL with the exception that all logos, names and references to Red Hat are removed.
While is a very capable and robust Server OS, it can also be used as a workstation. The missing multimedia bits in Centos has caused many to label it merely good for Server.
To enable multimedia in Centos 5.x, first download the rpmforge rpm from here
Install it by either double clicking on the RPM or issue the following command as root:
rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
Install yumex, the GUI front-end for yum:
yum -y install yumex
Once that is done you can launch yumex from the Applications -> System Tools menu or just as root launch it from the CLI by typing yumex.
Let it run for a while (it needs to refresh a bit) and then click on All in the packages bar. Put in gstreamer in the search bar and hit enter or click on the binoculars icon.
Select :
- gstreamer-plugins-bad
- gstreamer-plugins-ugly
- gstreamer-plugins-bad-extras
- gstreamer-plugins-ffmpeg
- xvidcore
- libquicktime
- mplayer-plugin (to enable viewing of online streaming content)
To enable Realplayer playback download the RealPlayer11Gold rpm from and click on Red Hat Package. Install it as per to the rpmforge rpm above.
To enable flash support (Youtube etc) install the following:
- flash-plugin
- libflashsupport
For Fedora 9 pls refer to