Wednesday, June 23, 2010

VLC on SLED 11 SP1 Part Deux

I have received some comments for my previous post on VLC on SLED 11 SP1 that it doesn't seem to work according to what was stated.

Well if all else fail, revert to using the openSUSE 11.1 repos:

zypper ar -f Packman && zypper refresh Packman

zypper ar -f vlc && zypper refresh vlc && zypper in vlc

If it still won't install try adding these two repos and try installing vlc again:

zypper ar -f multimedia-libs && zypper refresh multimedia-libs

zypper ar -f multimedia-xine && zypper refresh multimedia-xine

On my T61 with newly installed SLED 11 SP1, the above methods work flawlessly.

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